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Text File | 1994-05-30 | 28.9 KB | 633 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#228/30-May-94
- =====================
- This issue brings you reviews of DiskTop 4.5 and Aaron Giles's
- excellent JPEGView, Mark Anbinder's notes about installing a
- modem in the new PowerBook 500-series Macs, a warning about
- using America Online's Internet access method, and more
- information about the BT project to provide video on demand
- using set-top boxes with Macintosh motherboards. Last, but
- not least, read on for information about a programming CD
- and the SGI reality.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- <71520.72@compuserve.com>
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, memory, and accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: <aps-prices@tidbits.com> <-- NEW!!
- Copyright 1990-1994 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Automated info: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <ace@tidbits.com>
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/30-May-94
- America Online Warning!
- BT Tests Video on Demand
- Netware, But Not From Novell
- Netware: JPEGView
- PowerBook Puzzle
- DiskTop 4.5
- Reviews/30-May-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-228.etx; 30K]
- MailBITS/30-May-94
- ------------------
- I'm in crunch mode again to finish the text of the second edition
- of Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, so if you could send
- TidBITS-related mail to Tonya at <tonya@tidbits.com>, I'd
- appreciate it. And, if you're developing an Macintosh Internet
- program, plan on releasing an update in the next few weeks, and
- would like me to mention it in the second edition, please send me
- email and we'll talk. Thanks! [ACE]
- **Macintosh Updates Updated** -- We just released a new version of
- the Macintosh Updates database (with all the formats in the same
- archive, along with a text-only file) and I've uploaded to all the
- usual places. It contains a number of changes from the previous
- version (TidBITS #223_), and continues to be a must-have. [ACE]
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/misc/mac-updates-94-05-15.etx
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/misc/mac-updates-94-05-15.hqx
- **Source Code on CD** -- Celestin Company recently released
- Apprentice, a $35 CD that offers an assortment of programmers'
- utilities and approximately 450 MB of source code. The source code
- comes from over 200 Mac developers (with permission, of course)
- and most of it is in C, C++, and Pascal, though it comes with
- small amounts of code from a variety of languages. For the new
- programmer, Apprentice includes shell programs that provide a
- program framework for new programs, and for MPW users, Apprentice
- has various libraries, tools, languages, and utilities. The CD
- also has tips, technical specifications, and a compendium of
- information from comp.sys.mac.programmer digest. Celestin Company
- -- 206/385-3767 -- 206/385 3586 (fax) -- <celestin@pt.olympus.net>
- [TJE]
- **Performas are moving** into the higher-education retail
- channels, just to confuse matters when you're buying a Macintosh.
- This means that colleges and universities can now compete with Big
- Bob's Computer and Vegetable Warehouse (our motto, "Buy a
- Performa, get a rutabaga free!"). The move also raises the
- question of what happens to the LC line, most, if not all, of
- which are identical to Performa models. [ACE]
- **Brian Bezanson** <brian.bezanson@macsrv.mgi.com> writes:
- As a Mac developer whose current product, Jet Stream Color Image
- Server, runs on SGI hardware (from the "Purple" Indigos and the
- Indigo 2 to the Indy machines), I can tell you they don't compare
- to Power Macs in price/performance.
- The Indigo 2 that Mr. Showker saw (TidBITS #227_) was probably the
- standard SGI Indigo 2 demo machine that has a 2 GB Barracuda hard
- drive, 128 MB to 256 MB of RAM, and is running minimal system
- software. A bare Indigo 2 machine starts in the $15,000 range. Add
- $3,000 for the 2 GB drive (SGI charges more), $10,000 for 128 MB
- of RAM, and $6,000 for a monitor with 24-bit graphics and Mr.
- Showker's "All for a few dollars more than a dressed-out Power
- Mac" starts at $33,000. A Power Mac 8100 has faster Specmarks,
- starts at around $5,000 and with an added $2,000 for the Barracuda
- drive and $4,000 for the RAM, you're at $11,000 for a machine that
- can do more when the truly native version of Photoshop 3 arrives.
- [And then there's the fact that SGI Photoshop is reportedly two to
- three times more expensive than Photoshop for the Macintosh.
- -Adam]
- I have yet to see SGI Photoshop run at even Quadra speeds on our
- Indigo 2 and Indy machines when they are networked in our standard
- work environment. I was at Macworld in January where SGI was
- showing how the Indy at $4,995 was better than a Quadra. The folks
- from Corel were saying why they weren't doing development for the
- Mac anymore and why you should buy the Indy with their program. I
- then asked the Corel demonstrator the minimum machine required,
- and he said an Indy ($5,000), 2 GB hard drive ($3,000), 96 MB of
- RAM ($8,000), and 24-bit video ($3,000 to $4,000 for a new monitor
- and $2,000 to $3,000 for a 24-bit video card). The machine
- recommended to run CorelDraw for SGI cost over $22,000!
- In case you're wondering, why do we use the SGI? Because for
- price/performance it is the fastest Unix workstation out there. We
- know the machines needed to run our software cost our customers
- $20,000 to $30,000, but we also have the fastest Adobe PostScript
- Level 2 RIP available and they view that as the price for speed
- and stability. My goal is to move to a PowerPC 604/620-based Mac
- running System 8 (Copland) in two years so we can get the pre-
- emptive multitasking and memory protection we get on the SGI along
- with the price/performance of a Power Mac.
- America Online Warning!
- -----------------------
- by Adam C. Engst <ace@tidbits.com>
- An alert reader writes to report on a phone call with America
- Online's tech support. Like many other people who have called, the
- phone person at first didn't know what our alert reader was
- talking about in relation to the America Online TCP/IP Internet
- access we reported on after hearing about it on Usenet. But after
- conferring with a supervisor, the tech support person came back
- and said that the Internet access was limited to beta testers who
- had signed up online (and presumably been accepted - I signed up,
- but as is standard with America Online, never heard a thing back).
- He said that if America Online caught any unauthorized people
- using the Internet access, they would be expelled from America
- Online.
- The rationale for this Draconian punishment was that America
- Online doesn't have the capacity on its Internet links now to
- support more than the beta testers, and other people using the
- links will slow down the beta test and thus the release of the
- service to the public.
- Although I respect America Online's right to limit this service to
- beta testers at the moment, I have little sympathy - if they post
- unprotected files on a publicly-accessible FTP site that requires
- no usernames or passwords, what do they think is going to happen?
- I test many products for which beta versions are distributed on
- the Internet, and in no case is everything laid open like America
- Online's Internet software.
- Yet another reader passed on a letter from America Online that
- informed him that despite the fact that he was using the Internet
- to access America Online, the $12 per hour charge that covers the
- costs for the phone services to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and
- Canada still accrues. We strongly hope that America Online has the
- savvy to remove this silly policy once Internet access is
- generally available to its users.
- BT Tests Video on Demand
- ------------------------
- by Tonya Engst <tonya@tidbits.com>
- Many people wrote in about our brief mention last week in TidBITS
- #227_ of some kind of video on demand (VOD) service in Britain
- related to Apple's rumored set-top boxes. Almost everyone had a
- different take on the situation, but as near as I can tell, here's
- the story:
- BT (which prefers to be called BT, not British Telecom) is a phone
- company that wants to offer more than just phone service, in order
- to better compete with the many cable companies springing up. BT
- is trying to jump through a loophole in the law that prohibits
- them from broadcasting over their twisted pair copper (and some
- fiber optic) network by doing "monocasting," where subscribers
- request movies and TV shows and then receive the programming over
- their existing phone lines. According to rumor, the programming
- comes from the BBC.
- According to a source at BT and to an article in the Feb-94 issue
- of UK MacUser, BT is currently conducting a technical trial that
- involves about 65 employees in the Ipswich, Suffolk area. Each
- employee's home television is attached to an LC III-based
- Macintosh set-top box, which contains a special MPEG card for
- handling video transmission. Although the box does not come with a
- keyboard or screen, users can request, pause, rewind, fast
- forward, and freeze programs.
- BT is distributing the VHS-quality video using an Oracle Media
- Server running on massively parallel nCube hardware. The video
- travels over the copper twisted pair phone lines using a
- compression technology called ADSL (Asymetrical Digital
- Compression Line, and I'm not sure why the acronym doesn't work
- out). The technology allows BT to send video out at several
- megabits per second and for users to send information back at
- several hundred kilobits per second. Evidently, even while a house
- receives video, someone at the house can make a phone call over
- the same wires. The technology is apparently just beginning to
- work; unfortunately, nobody participating in the test wrote in, so
- I don't know how well it works.
- BT's future plans are a bit murkier, but the company does have
- plans for a second technical trial, which will involve hundreds or
- even thousands of users. For the second trial, BT may use their
- twisted copper network, may try to use ISDN, and may include home
- shopping and banking services. Evidently, Apple plans to continue
- testing set-top boxes, with the eventual goal of coming out with a
- commercial product.
- You can find additional information in the May and June issues of
- Australian Communications, which contain a two-part article about
- DMT ADSL and on the results of the MPEG Test Group's recent
- subjective viewing tests. For those who read Norwegian, there's a
- Web page at the Norwegian Telecom Research Institute that
- reportedly talks about video on demand projects in Norway and
- Europe.
- http://www.nta.no/xtf/xtf.html
- Netware, But Not From Novell
- ----------------------------
- by Radical Liberation <radicallib@aol.com>
- There are two ways to look at netware, that increasingly huge body
- of software that is primarily available electronically and is paid
- for informally. (I include shareware, freeware, beerware, and so
- on in the netware category.) From the point of view of software
- producers, netware increasingly competes with the more trivial end
- of software products. This includes, for example, text editors and
- image viewers as opposed to, say, PageMaker or AutoCAD. Also, more
- and more commercial products are refined versions of popular
- netware; examples include StuffIt Deluxe from Aladdin Systems and
- White Knight (formerly Red Ryder) from Freesoft.
- But for users, netware is an often frustrating, occasionally
- delightful grab-bag that can be extremely elusive for those
- without access to mainstream networks. Since you are reading
- TidBITS, an electronically distributed publication, there is a
- good chance you have at least indirect access to a major network.
- But even so, netware remains a frustrating experience. With so
- much out there and so little time, it becomes fairly difficult to
- track down an application that will actually be useful or
- entertaining and not crash the third time you use it. The next
- article is the first in a series intended to steer you towards the
- best netware and away from the mediocre.
- If you have a favorite netware package that you feel deserves some
- recognition email me about it. Please include information on how
- to get it via either the Internet or America Online. Some brief
- comments on why you think it is great would also be helpful.
- Netware: JPEGView
- -----------------
- by Radical Liberation <radicallib@aol.com>
- It has been my great pleasure to discover that some netware has
- achieved commercial quality. In particular, JPEGView, by Aaron
- Giles <giles@med.cornell.edu>, is a useful and stable program with
- a good interface. JPEGView serves primarily as an image viewer for
- JPEG-compressed images. The most recent version, 3.3, comes as a
- "fat-binary" and works on regular Macintoshes equipped with System
- 7 and on Power Macintoshes.
- JPEG compression is a "lossy" algorithm which achieves phenomenal
- compression by throwing away image information that we probably
- won't miss much anyway. JPEG compressed images can contain
- millions of colors, (most JPEG images available on the nets do).
- To facilitate viewing images, JPEGView provides fast JPEG
- decompression, the best color reduction available, and a new kind
- of window optimized for image viewing.
- **JPEGView windows** automatically scale images to fit inside the
- window, eliminating the need for scroll bars. The windows can be
- resized or a portion of the window can be selected to make a new
- window (this is nice for zooming in on details of a large image).
- My one quibble with JPEGView's otherwise excellent interface is
- the resize box. If you move your pointer to where the resize box
- normally lives, your pointer turns into a resize box, telling you
- that the image will be resized if you click and drag. Since
- discovering this feature requires noting the pointer change when
- you pass over that small area of the image (or reading the online
- help), I used JPEGView for a good six months before I discovered
- it.
- **Color Reduction** is an extremely important feature, since most
- JPEGs come in millions of colors but most Macintosh monitors are
- limited to 256 colors. To give you some idea of how well
- JPEGView's color reduction works, I visually compared the same
- image with three different setups, using TeachText with QuickTime.
- > Image viewer Monitor colors setting
- > -------------------------------------------
- > 1) TeachText 256
- > 2) JPEGView 256
- > 3) TeachText Thousands
- I found a great image quality difference between 1 and 2, but a
- barely noticeable image quality difference between 2 and 3. How
- does JPEGView do it? I don't know, but I like it. Since JPEGView
- is scriptable via Apple events, you can use AppleScript or
- Frontier to take advantage of this excellent color reduction
- algorithm.
- **Additional features** that are peripheral to JPEGView's major
- purpose in life, but useful nonetheless, include viewing of GIF-
- compressed images, slide shows, and creating previews and/or
- custom icons for all supported image types. All of these services
- are performed with distinction. In particular, JPEGView's custom
- icons look better than the ones that System 7 creates when a PICT
- is pasted into the icon area of the Get Info dialog.
- In addition, JPEGView, in part because it's postcardware, is the
- graphics viewer of choice for many Internet applications like NCSA
- Mosaic and TurboGopher. When you download a JPEG or GIF image,
- Mosaic simply asks the Finder to open the image with JPEGView,
- making for an almost seamless display of images from the Internet.
- **Online support** from Aaron Giles is excellent, something many
- commercial companies could watch more closely. JPEGView has its
- own forum on America Online (keyword: JPEGView), Aaron
- <agiles@aol.com> responds fairly promptly to email, and he has
- fixed all bugs that I have pointed out to him by the next release.
- Aaron always seems to be first with whatever neat new thing Apple
- wants programs to do. JPEGView fully supports Apple events, has
- extensive on-line help, balloon help, and was the first Power
- Macintosh native application that I could get. To show off
- JPEGView's native PowerPC performance, and for fun, I timed a
- slide show of about a dozen images of different types on several
- different systems. Here are the results (using JPEGView 3.2.1),
- all done with 14" monitors set to 256 colors; images on RAM disk;
- using QuickTime.
- > System Seconds
- > ------------------------------
- > LC III 145
- > Quadra 950 50
- > Power Mac 7100 34
- > Quadra 950 with
- > Power Mac upgrade card 29
- **Wrap-Up** -- JPEGView costs a postcard, preferably color. I put
- my money where my mouth is by not only sending in a postcard but
- also paying the (optional) U.S. $20 to receive a printed manual
- and some images hand-picked by Aaron. JPEGView does it better than
- any other program, commercial or netware.
- ftp://grind.isca.uiowa.edu/mac/infomac/grf/util/jpeg-view-33.sit
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/tisk/utilities/jpeg-view-33.hqx
- Also, be sure to check out the large and still growing collection
- of JPEG images at:
- ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/multimedia/images/jpeg/unindexed/
- PowerBook Puzzle
- ----------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, News Editor <mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us>
- Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc.
- Apple designed the original Macintosh as a closed box that the
- user would never need to open. All the ports were outside and
- easily accessible; even the battery could be changed from outside.
- (Of course, from day one, daring owners opened their Mac cases
- anyway.) When the Mac II arrived in 1987, we cheered Apple's
- return to an easy-to-open case with easily-accessible slots and
- devices. Unfortunately, the recently-introduced 500-series
- PowerBooks make even the intricate Duo look like child's play.
- Recent discussion on Global Village's OneNet support forum have
- focused on the difficulty of installing a PowerPort/Mercury (the
- new 500-series model) into one of the new PowerBooks. For example,
- one installation took two hours in the dealer's service
- department, and the customer was charged at a fairly high labor
- rate for the full time. It's easy to chide Global Village for
- making the modem difficult to install, but it's not their fault.
- It's even tempting to complain that the dealer shouldn't charge
- for their learning curve - but who should pay for the technician's
- valuable time?
- Unfortunately, the new PowerBooks are much more difficult to take
- apart than previous models. Some press coverage has described how
- easy it is to open the machine, but that's only part of the story.
- In fact, the keyboard can be released by removing two screws from
- the underside of the PowerBook. Once that's done, it actually is
- fairly easy to install a memory upgrade. Hypothetical future
- PowerPC-based daughterboard upgrades shouldn't be too difficult to
- slide in here, either.
- The modem poses the most difficulty. One part of the modem goes in
- the easy-to-reach area under the keyboard. The other part goes in
- the back of the computer where the telephone jack must live - and
- getting there requires taking apart virtually the entire
- PowerBook. Just reading how to accomplish the procedure takes
- noticeably longer than performing the entire modem installation on
- a 100-series PowerBook.
- Global Village says their technicians have performed quite a few
- installations, and have the process down to about an hour. One
- service technician of my acquaintance spent nearly four hours,
- making sure to carefully set everything aside for easy retrieval
- and making sure everything went back in the right place.
- Even more so than for previous PowerBook models, we highly
- recommend that owners of the new PowerBook 500-series models have
- installations done by an experienced service technician. Daring
- owners might find their installation attempts thwarted anyway; the
- required Torx 8 screwdriver bit must be longer than most, or it
- won't fit in the recessed screw-holes. As it happens, that may be
- the least of the difficulties; since Apple doesn't want anyone but
- service technicians inside these PowerBooks, Global Village
- doesn't even provide installation instructions in the box. They
- have instead mailed detailed instructions to their dealer base.
- Obviously we can't carry around something the size of a Macintosh
- II just to get modularity. (The Macintosh Portable just leapt
- clumsily to mind, unbidden and overweight.) We would hope,
- however, that Apple could develop its next generation of
- PowerBooks with some semblance of accessibility in mind. If not
- for the sake of daring owners, how about for the sake of those
- poor service technicians?
- Information from:
- Global Village tech support
- DiskTop 4.5
- -----------
- by Stephen Camidge <stephen_c._camidge@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com>
- DiskTop has long been a popular Finder-replacement utility for
- people who need to work with files in ways that the Finder simply
- doesn't do well. DiskTop enables you to quickly browse through
- your files, find specific files, work with sets of found files,
- make files visible and invisible and so on.
- PrairieSoft, a new company formed by many of the employees who
- developed and supported DiskTop at CE Software, has purchased the
- rights to DiskTop. PrairieSoft's first update to DiskTop, version
- 4.5, offers several improvements over DiskTop 4.0.2 and maintains
- DiskTop's position as a great utility, but leaves room for further
- improvement. This review aims to help current DiskTop owners
- decide whether or not to take the plunge for the $30 upgrade. The
- upgrade shouldn't require any fancy new hardware - the minimum
- system requirement is System 6.0.4, and it runs on the Plus or
- anything newer.
- The new version is still a desk accessory. Gone is the DiskTop
- window showing the status of the hard drive volumes. Instead, you
- are offered a window showing information about files on the
- desktop in a columnar format. Alternately, you can open to the
- last folder accessed by DiskTop with the hard drive volume
- information presented, and in the Preferences dialog, you can set
- what appears in the DiskTop window on launch.
- It is now possible to create ten customized views plus the old
- Normal and Technical views. You can also choose the size and
- location of the window. A more modern interface offers 3-D buttons
- and the use of color, though the interface also looks fine on a
- small monochrome screen. You can resize and reorder the columns to
- present the information in the order in which you would like to
- view it. You can choose among Icon, Name, Type, Creator, Data,
- Resource, Modified, Created and Locked. If you select the Make
- Alias command, DiskTop provides a SFDialog box where you can
- decide where to locate the alias, though you cannot rename the
- alias while in the dialog box.
- PrairieSoft included a new version of GOfer with the upgrade. I
- have not tested it as I find that the DiskTop find is adequate for
- my needs. GOfer is not currently compatible with the 68040 chip,
- but Microlytics (the company that makes GOfer) is in the process
- of completing a 68040-compatible version, and DiskTop purchasers
- can get a free copy of that version by filling out and mailing in
- a coupon in the DiskTop package. [In addition, Sue Nail
- <afcsue@aol.com>, PrairieSoft Public Relations Manager, said that
- DiskTop will ship with the 68040-compatible version of GOfer once
- the version is ready. -Tonya]
- **Nice Touches** -- The new version offers a number of nice
- enhancements, including:
- * Pressing the Command key causes the buttons to display their
- Command key equivalents.
- * When copying files, the target window displays only folders,
- since you will not be copying to a file. Logical, and a nice
- touch, though you can also display the files if you want.
- * To simplify navigation, you may now add a list of often-used
- folders to each drive on the new Drives pop-up menu. The list
- appears as a submenu for each drive.
- * The Path command has been improved to facilitate copying the
- path name of a file to the clipboard, although it's not
- immediately clear that you must click on the volume name in the
- path to enable the Copy Path button. Quite handy, especially for
- scripting.
- * Although PrairieSoft is a new company with limited resources, I
- found technical support easily accessible and highly responsive.
- PrairieSoft changed their shipping policies to permit Canadians to
- bypass using UPS (who slap on a $25 fee when a package crosses the
- border).
- **Negatives** -- This isn't to say that DiskTop is a perfect
- program, and no matter how useful, few people will use it in favor
- of the Finder most of the time.
- * File size is not available as a column unless you are in the
- Normal view. In other views, you must be savvy enough to add the
- size of the Data and Resource forks in order to come up with the
- total size of a file.
- * Although the Lock column displays the status, it is not possible
- to lock/unlock a file from the main window; instead, you must use
- the Get Info command while in technical mode. This limitation is
- most unfortunate, and I hope that PrairieSoft will add the
- capability in the near future.
- * DiskTop Launch has not improved. It supports one list for your
- most frequently used applications and documents. Multiple lists
- would be of greater use.
- * Users of NowCompress will note that DiskTop 4.5 still expands
- files as they copy. The problem occurs due to a flaw of
- NowCompress, not of DiskTop, but it is the only reason why I won't
- use DiskTop as my main copy utility. [This problem may occur with
- other compression utilities as well, since the compression utility
- must recognize DiskTop to allow the copy to proceed without
- decompression. It seems like a feature that a compression utility
- would want for the feature checklist wars. -Tonya]
- **Conclusion** -- The improvements to the interface (Command keys,
- customizable views, window sizing, 3-D buttons, often used folders
- submenus) show that much thought and effort went into the upgrade.
- A new manual is included in the price.
- The miser in me objects to the U.S. $30 price tag for the upgrade.
- However, it is encouraging to see work resume on my favorite
- utility. PrairieSoft has plans to further enhance DiskTop and is
- not just capitalizing on name recognition to sell units. DiskTop
- remains the best alternative to the Finder, and I believe that
- PrairieSoft has an excellent future.
- PrairieSoft, Inc. -- 515/225-3720 -- 515/225-2422 (fax)
- <prairiesoft@applelink.apple.com>
- Microlytics, Inc. -- 800-828-6293 -- 715/248-9620
- Reviews/30-May-94
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 16-May-94, Vol. 8, #20
- Radius LeMansGT -- pg. 47
- Server Sentry 2.0 -- pg. 47
- FontChameleon 1.0 -- pg. 50
- Statistics Menu 3.0 -- pg. 54
- DiskTop 4.5 -- pg. 54
- Crystal Ball 3.0 -- pg. 55
- * Macworld - Jul-94
- Collage 1.0.1 -- pg. 62
- Apple QuickTake 100 for Macintosh -- pg. 64
- QA-350 LCD -- pg. 65
- microLaser Pro 600 -- pg. 67
- Pablo 2.0.1 -- pg. 69
- Ray Dream Designer 3.0.3 -- pg. 71
- Ear Phone Streamline AV -- pg. 73
- QMS ColorScript Laser 1000 -- pg. 75
- IX-4015 Color Image Scanner -- pg. 77
- TopDown 4.0 -- pg. 77
- WaterMark Message Central 2.0.2 -- pg. 78
- Pointillist -- pg. 83
- MacMoney 4.01 -- pg. 83
- DiskTop 4.5 -- pg. 85
- TurboDialer -- pg. 87
- LabView for Mac 3.0.1 -- pg. 87
- Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia -- pg. 89
- Helix Express 2.0.1 -- pg. 89
- VirtualDisk 1.1a -- pg. 91
- Automap Road Atlas for Macintosh 2.01 -- pg. 91
- Financial Competence 1.5 -- pg. 93
- Small Blue Planet 1.2.1 -- pg. 93
- PowerBook 500s -- pg. 96
- Photorealistic Color Printers -- pg. 106
- (too many to list)
- Anti-virus Programs -- pg. 116
- Disinfectant 3.3
- MacTools 3
- SAM 3.5
- Virex 5
- $$
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